Monday, December 31, 2012

Can You Answer This Question???

If you had to pick just one, and there's no middle ground on this topic......

If you had to be one of the following, which would it be, and why?

#1 -

A poet with too much ego

#2 -

A poet with not enough ego

I await your tribal wisdom.

Happy New Year from Klecko and your friends @ Lief


  1. Replies
    1. A poet with Too much ego. Creates more controversy and conversation.
      And Controversy is good for the Soul.


  2. No. 1 “Early in my career...I had to choose between an honest arrogance and a hypercritical humility... I deliberately choose an honest arrogance, and I've never been sorry.”
    ― Frank Lloyd Wright

    1. Great addition David, one Gold Star headed your way...Happy New Year

    2. Forgive me, but it has always been my feeling that motive needs, if possible, to be considered along with talent when judging an artist's work. How about a choice between an honest humility and a delusional arrogance? Or even a flawed empathy for others versus unchecked self-promotion?

    3. Or, maybe I should have simple given "Humilty" or "Confident" as choices.........

  3. Actually both have the same manifestations coming from either
    overcompensation or overestimation.

    I would prefer to be a poet who struggles with myself, which means at different times, a little bit of both and none of the above.
